Tuesday, 21 June 2022

Supported Independent Living is a Good Option for the Disabled

Supported Independent Living
Supported independent living (SIL) is a residential arrangement for the disabled. It allows a person in need of support to be able to stay in their own home rather than move to an institution or live at home with a poor quality of life. A caregiver comes to the home and works with the resident. Sometimes live-in arrangements can be made or modifications to the home can be made for qualified individuals.

SIL aims to increase independence for the disabled and build on their existing skills. It might be the exact thing a disabled person is looking for. Depending on the situation, most of the cost for support can be covered by the program. It’s important to complete the appropriate assessment and evaluation process.

How to qualify for Supported Independent Living (SIL)

Supported Independent Living can work very well for the disabled with more support needs. Funding is available to meet the needs of the more disabled and help provide the right housing solution for them. This might mean a helper comes to the house to provide assistance with hygiene, personal care, shopping, meal preparation or household chores like cleaning and bill paying. It can also mean help overnight. Or a caregiver can live with the individual needing help. 

To qualify, a person needs to get an appropriate assessment by an occupational therapist or a similar health professional and to fill out a Home and Living support application. The National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS) will use this information to determine eligibility. A support coordinator can help with the application as needed.

Once someone is found to be eligible, a plan of care is created with appropriate goals and interventions. The objective is to make the individual feel supported and to increase independence over time. A special effort is made to increase a person’s skills. 

If a person in need of support meets the age criteria and the criteria for the need for extra support, then NDIS can look into funding. Eligible candidates can have some or all of their care needs funded. Modifications to the home can also be made with NDIS funding for those that meet specific criteria. Providing a caregiver and funding for in home support can make independent living an option for many disabled individuals. Over time they may realize they are more independent than ever thanks to supported care.

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