Wednesday, 2 March 2022

Supported Independent Living – What Is A Roster Of Care?

If the idea of living more independently is a thrill to you, Supported Independent Living (SIL) can offer you the support you need to live alone or in a shared home with others. If you have a handicap and you find it hard to live on your own or with your family, SIL offers disability accommodation and the support you require in a shared home setting.
Supported Independent Living
The support provided by Supported Independent Living allows you more independence, disability accommodation alongside learning new skills in a home living environment including daily assistance with responsibilities such as personal care and household chores such as grocery shopping. 
An NDIS approval of a SIL funding package or disability accommodation must prove that supports are reasonable and required for your specific circumstances. The provider must develop a Roaster of care before approval of the SIL budget.  
What is a Roster of Care (ROC)? 
A Roster of Care is a weekly timetable that explains how support will be distributed among each, Supported Independent Living household member over the course of a week. It covers the number of hours and support staff each individual will get on a daily basis, broken down into 30-minute blocks. 
Normally, your, Supported Independent Living provider fills out the Roster of Care in consultation with either the participant or their nominee. This information is used by the NDIA to get a sense of what a typical week for each SIL participant and disability accommodation could be like.  
Upon completion of your roaster of care, it is then assessed. The NDIA will examine what reasonable and required support funding is appropriate, check for changes to earlier Rosters of Care, identify any inaccuracies, and ensure that expenses do not exceed the NDIS Price Guide's restrictions. 
The NDIA utilizes a variety of factors to determine the appropriate amount of funding, including the roster of care submissions. The SIL budget is released into your plan once the Roster of Care and your NDIS Plan are approved, and your SIL provider can claim monies for the support they offer. 
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